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Greater China Trademark Registration Package [2019]

Before Filing We provide the following services:- + [FREE] Analysis the registrability of a mark, to see whether the mark is unique and...

The Use and difference between TM, SM and ®

TM: The symbol TM is used to provide notice of a claim of common-law rights in a trade mark, especially for product in classes 1 to 34. A...

Renewal Fees for Trade Mark Registration [Jan 2022]

Trademark registration is generally valid for 10 years once registration. To maintain a trademark registration, the trademark owner have...

New USPTO TM Specimen Protests Email Pilot Program

On March 6, 2018 the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) announced that it has started a pilot program that makes it easy...

Singapore Design Registration Costs [2018]

Protected Object Registered designs protect only the appearance of products, especially the special parts of the appearance, but does not...

Taiwan Design Registration Costs [2018]

Protected Object Registered designs protect only the appearance of products, especially the special parts of the appearance, but does not...

Hong Kong Design Registration Costs [2018]

Protected Object Registered designs protect only the appearance of products, especially the special parts of the appearance, but does not...

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