Before Filing We provide the following services:- + [FREE] Analysis the registrability of a mark, and obtain preliminary trademark search, to see whether the same has been registered or being applied. + Obtain a full trademark search, to see whether there is any conflicting/similar mark has been registered or being applied. + [FREE] Provide an overall registration strategy, to increase the success rate of registration, and the scope of protection. + Provide trademark drafting and design services + [FREE] Provide classification services for goods and services that you wish to cover.
Costs [Smooth registration] Per Mark (Multi-class application) First Class US$1,040 Each Subsequent Class Make an inquiry [Inclusive of official filing fee and our services fee]
Document Requirement 1. Applicant’s name and address 2. Applicant’s identity document: i.e. copy of Certificate of Incorporation (corporation); or copy of Passport (individual) 3. Specimen of the mark (above 300dpi) 4. Detail list for goods and/or services to be apply (We then provide classification services.)
Registration Timeframe Smooth case: Around 11~12 months Publication period: 1 months
Protection Period 10 Years from the date of application, and extendable for further 10 years before each expiration. The renewal date is from 6 months before the expiry date to 6 months after the expiry date. However, if renewal is filed after the expiry date, late renewal surcharge will be incurred. After Registration - Keep using the trademark continuously, and evidence of the use must be kept, for the use of defense if someone raise a revocation against yours. - After modification the style of your mark, seek for our advices on whether re-registration is needed. - Periodically review the need on registration for additional classes and/or countries. - Consideration on whether a “Worldwide Trademark Monitoring Service” is needed, which let you know if there is someone (including your business partners, employees and competitors, etc.) is applying your mark or a similar mark in other countries. #trademark #brand #registration #Spain #quotation #商標 #品牌 #註冊 #西班牙 #收費 #報價